This week I went to the Marion Revitalization projects fashion show. It was probably my favorite
event that I went out of the entire designerly curiosity project. The fashion show took place inside the old marion mall,
and I’m not talking about the 5 star mall, im talking about the Marion mall downtown marion. Its like and underground mall
in marion that you wouldn't be able to find unless you were told about it. The only reason I knew about the mall previously
is because my brother and his wife actually got married there. We also know the owner of the mexican restaurant in the
bottom of the mall. Anyways during the fashion show I saw a lot of awesome designs of clothing. There is something you
have to understand about fashion shows. All the outfits are meant to be made as practical and actually things you wear
in public. It's pretty much a way for clothing designers to express art that they could never express otherwise.